School Board & Reports

School Board

Catholic Special Schools Board of Management


The Catholic Special Schools Board of Management performs a very important oversight and advisory role to the two Catholic Special Schools (St. Patrick’s and Our Lady of La Vang).

In practice this means that, in a spirit of partnership, the Board acts to:

  • develop policies that nurture the religious dimension and guide the direction of the schools
  • develop the relationship between the schools themselves and between the schools and the local Church
  • promote educational excellence
  • support the administration of the schools
  • foster harmonious and positive collaboration within the school community
  • protect children
  • monitor buildings and grounds development and maintenance
  • exercise financial stewardship
  • ensure compliance with legal obligations.

The Board of Management is comprised of eleven members:

  • Five members nominated by the Director of Catholic Education South Australia
  • The Principals of the Catholic Special Schools
  • Two staff members (one from each school)
  • Two parents of current students (one from each school)

School Performance Report

Our latest School Performance Report is available for download below.

 2023 School Performance Report.pdf

Complaint Responses and Resolution Procedure

 Complaint Response and Resolution Procedure.pdf